High Praise for Reverend Joey Haynes

When Joey Haynes ’11 arrived at Queens University of Charlotte as the Chapel Seminary Intern in 2016, he was eager to reconnect with the campus and community that he had grown so fond of during his years as an undergrad. Now, more than 6 years later, his promotion to university chaplain and director of the Davies Center for Faith and Outreach has made him a well-known influence in the lives of many students and a key contributor to the prominence of spiritual life at Queens.
In a bittersweet farewell, Haynes announced his resignation effective Sept. 2 as university chaplain. He plans to spend the academic year with his wife, Liza, teaching English in Spain before settling down in Seattle, Wash. where Liza will begin graduate school at the University of Washington. As Haynes reflects on his time at Queens, he recalls what he will treasure most from his time on campus – the relationships. From conversations with his “best friend” Darryl White Sr. in the cafeteria to being greeted by familiar faces at the coffee shop, Haynes credits the people with bringing joy and purpose to his daily life on campus.
“As I reflect on my years as the chaplain, I feel that I have received so much more than I have given, and for that, I am so grateful,” he said. “It has been an honor to work alongside faculty who knew me as a student and embraced me with open arms when I came on board as chaplain.”
Haynes walks away with a wealth of memories as a result of his Queens experiences but one that rises to the top is fostering community connection through Room at the Inn, a partnership between Queens and Roof Above that allows students of many faiths to volunteer as the university provides food and shelter to the homeless during the winter months.
While Haynes will miss his role in leading various events and programs over the year, he is confident that the Interim Chaplain will continue the work of expanding and deepening our Presbyterian and Pluralist identity and providing spiritual care and programming to the Queens community. Maria del Carmen Flores, vice president of student engagement and dean of students at Queens, echoed that sentiment in a message to the Queens community.
“Dr. Adrian Bird, who has a long history within the Presbyterian Church USA, will serve as Interim Chaplain for the 2022-2023 academic year as Queens endeavors to run a thoughtful and thorough search for the role of University Chaplain,” she said. “I am so grateful that Adrian will be working with us in Student Life to preserve and enrich the thriving work being done in Belk Chapel and leading spiritual life at Queens.”