Knight School of Communication Senior to Join Peace Corps After Commencement

Lily Frye ’23 cherishes travel, embraces cultural diversity, and loves meeting new people. Her past four years as a Royal at Queens University of Charlotte cultivated a deeper appreciation for these passions that paved the way for her post-undergraduate plans. After 2023 Commencement, Frye will move to Lesotho for two years to serve as a teacher in the Peace Corps.
The Raleigh native moved to campus early the summer of her freshman year as a part of the Thrive Institute, an invitation-only summer bridge program at Queens that offers support to historically marginalized student populations in their transition to college life.
“I loved that Queens was a small school in such a blossoming city,” said Frye. “What really drew me in was the study abroad opportunities that we have here. I was able to study abroad in the United Kingdom for seven months and that was my defining moment at Queens.”
Studying abroad confirmed Frye’s passion for learning about other cultures and gave her a newfound independence as both a scholar and citizen. Upon her return to campus, she was inspired to make the most of her remaining time as a student.
“I got involved with the DEI leadership cohort and the Emerging Leaders program on campus,” she said. “This semester, I was a part of a group of students that visited Washington, D.C., as part of the Washington Model Organization of American States. We spent the semester learning about the country that we would represent during our trip and got to meet people from across the world during this experiential learning opportunity.”

Frye’s involvement with the Queens community will not end with the conclusion of the commencement ceremony. Instead, she will join a diverse group of students, faculty, and staff for the annual Border Immersion Trip the week immediately following her graduation from Queens.
Her interest in the Peace Corps was sparked in high school, but became a more serious aspiration when a Peace Corps rep for North Carolina came to the Queens campus. Frye was able to learn more about the Peace Corps and the goals and values that inspire them to send volunteers across the world. Now, after applying and being accepted to this prestigious opportunity, she prepares to embark as a volunteer herself.
“I think that it is going to be a very interesting and fun two years full of learning about a new culture, seeing a new place, meeting new people, and learning more about myself as well,” said Frye. “I am so excited for this opportunity and so grateful for the role Queens played in equipping me for it.”