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Amy Knab, Ph.D.

Chair, Kinesiology
Health & Human Performance Department, Blair College of Health

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Dr. Knab received her Ph.D. in interdisciplinary biology from UNC Charlotte in 2009. She has a broad background in both biology and exercise science and during her doctoral work began investigating the biological and genetic factors that regulate physical activity behavior. Dr. Knab then spent 3.5 years working at the Human Performance Laboratory operated by Appalachian State University at the North Carolina Research Campus. Her research there included both athlete and community trials investigating nutritional strategies for decreasing exercise/obesity-induced inflammation, oxidative stress, and immune dysfunction.

Since 2013, Dr. Knab has worked at Queens University of Charlotte, where she assisted in starting the Exercise and Sport Science program within the Health and Human Performance Department. Now a full professor, and director of the Exercise and Sport Science laboratory, she teaches both major KIN courses, as well as cross-listed Gen-Ed courses. She absolutely loves teaching and incorporates a wide range of teaching methodologies to maximize her student’s preparedness for the next steps in both industry and graduate school. She also conducts research, most recently in nutritional, psychological, and physical predictors of performance in swimmers. Dr. Knab is an active member, and Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine, as well as SEACSM, and has authored or co-authored 32 peer-reviewed manuscripts in the area of exercise physiology.


Ph.D., Interdisciplinary Biology, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
B.S., Biology, Saint Mary’s College